Your eyes won't beleive this is LEGO


...and yes, it is actual LEGO. An extremely well crafted ship by creator nublebun, the V-X Vera looks like a very expensive scale model instead. Just wait till you see the thrusts below.

The following description is written in his own words. you can see more on Flickr.

"The younger sister to America's renown Pilot Juna, Luna Merev enters the Starpoint Series with a considerable weight of expectation upon her shoulders. One of the very few pilots to qualify without the support of a National Team, Luna stands as the first Freelance representative of Colony One.

Drawing from her expertise as an Emergency Medical Pilot, Luna has customized her V-X Vera specifically for the harsh environment of Starpoint's Lunar and Orbital circuits. While many have criticized the vehicle's theoretical performance on planetary circuits, others have speculated that Luna may be shooting specifically for a win on her home circuit above Colony One.

Racecraft iteration of the Vera Class shuttle. One week spot build (with some extra time for presentation bits). Wasn't expecting to have time for a build, but here we are"

Too awesome!



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