Random LEGO MOC: The outstanding style of Nick Trotta

When you are hunting down LEGO MOCs, you come across a huge number of creations that range for simplistic a beautiful bricked vision to more complex and detailed works of art. Sometime you get the chance to dig the work of the creators, in some other cases, there's only a few images left behind for us, the fanatics to baffle about.

Today i want to dedicate this small space in my blog to one of those creators who love to share their works with the world: Nick Trotta.

RESONANCE (cover photo)

"Big inspiration credit to Shaun Mooney, who made this brilliant Wipeout concept. I went after the same shaping, before going my own way in plastic-form.

Resonance is designed for super-speed; however, the design process itself was super-slow."


"The shaping was inspired by a terrific sketch from Jim Francis, and then I started working geometry. It was a blast to design: the wing stripes are stair-stepped with 1.5 plate offsets, there are 9 jogs in angle from top plane down to either edge, it utilizes a zillion nifty 53° slopes, and so forth..."


"I had lots of fun with this design -- pulling DNA from a Vic Viper, the ship from the "Yukikaze" anime, and an F-117. I appreciated advice from Stijn and Rob along the way."


"For this one I took much inspiration from Isaac Hannaford's delightful Orbital Interceptor concept. Big thanks to Rob and Stijn for helpful feedback along the way!"


 "This design was tons of fun. :) Big appreciation to Rob, Zach, and Stijn for feedback as it evolved!"


"Carapace – This is the first-ever time I've delved into the mech genre! I found this a joy from conception through implementation. And the result, unlike my usual spaceships, is posable. :)

I began with a concept for the shape and positioning of the two layers of wings, around a pentagonal main body, canted downwards. This was the carapace, as it were."

Did you enjoyed this humble selection of MOCs by Trotta? Pay him a visit at his Flickr account. Also, feel free to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more daily LEGO MOCs!
