Some MOCs are awesome, some others are simply realistic, then, there's the extraordinary ones. That's the case with this recently discovered creation by a talented LEGO MOCer named Markus Ronge.
Before your eyes is an steampunk idealistic view of a cargo pier, the incredible Maersk Pier
The following is an extract of Markus very own writings about this creation.
"Herman van de Maersk’s happy face was all an act. A notorious gambler – figuratively and literally, he had gotten in over his head with his latest business venture.
A fourth-generation ship yard owner and haulier, he knew the ins and outs of the shipping business and dealt with major players worldwide. His family had been in the cargo business when ships were still exclusively bound to water. Theses days, blimp-based cargo transportation was a reliable and trusted technique, but his competitors East (Ninjago) and West (Belleville) were steadily gaining ground on him.
Also, it was also a rather dull and repetitive business. Van de Maersk wanted to dabble in something new, something more exciting, something more… luxurious. Custom luxury airships!
Steam power had made a lot of common people rich and created a new wealthy class of industrial magnates with more money and time than they could possibly ever spend. That’s the type of clientele he was after. More than money he yearned for the spotlight and the glitz and glamour that came with it. With the construction of gorgeous „Maersk Pier“ and its grand „Sky Bar“ being finished, (of course at far higher costs than initially planned), all Van de Maersk needed was a prominent first customer to get his venture off the ground – quite literally. „Think big, Herman!“ he said to himself, „How about… the Queen?“ Finally, his vanity had gotten the best of him."
More pictures below!
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