LEGO Scooby Doo + Star Wars: when universes collide!

You read and saw that right. There's an X-Wing Mystery Machine out there, created by Reddit user TallGuyOnReddit. We can only assume that Darth Vader will soon loose his helmet and mask and the greatest Star Wars mystery will be solved.

In An (alternate) Galaxy Far, Far Away...

Yoda and Jedi Council: "Grateful we are, for capturing the dark lord whose presence we detected."

Shaggy: "Like, zoinks, no problem your council-ness. Now let's see who's underneath these Sith ropes..."

<...pulls back robe's hood to reveal...>

Entire Gang: "Senator Palpatine!"

Palpatine: "And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids."

More pictures below:
