Celebrating Fortnite's new season with this epic action figure

A lot of talking went on last week with Fortnite ending event, concluding in the destruction of the whole map as we knew it and the creation of a mysterious black hole dominating the game universe. In the wake of the new season, McFarlane Toys is opening pre-orders through Amazon for a new action figure from the very game.

Fortnite is the action building game from epic games that lets you drop into a massive 100-player PVP battle Royale or team up with friends in a co-op campaign to save the world against a horde of monsters. Craft and loot in giant worlds where no two games are ever The same. Fortnite battle Royale is free and available on PC, Mac, PlayStation 4, xbox one, switch, iOS, and Android
- Hyper-articulated featuring 22 Moving parts
- Comes complete with the white fang back bling
- Ready for battle with the flint knock pistol accessory
- Harvest your materials with the included dragon's claw harvesting tool
- Showcased in premium glossy Fortnite themed window box packaging 

It’s priced at $24.99, with a release set for November 1st. You can pre-order it at Amazon.com
More pictures below:
