If only LEGO has Star Trek themed sets like this

Few of the things that comes to mind when you hear Star Trek is the Klingon race, you know the ones who where originally enemies of the federation back in the original series? MOCer and LEGO creator Kevin Walter is one of those guys whose favorite thing from the show is the iconic Klingon Bird of Prey spaceship.
"The Klingon Bird of Prey is, since I can think of, my favorite Spaceship-design and as well the one, which inspired me the most in my childhood and all my own spaceship Models.

After completing the BoP as virtual Model (2008-2010), it was always a dream of me to build it some time with real bricks. I'm really lucky the dream became true six years later!

Really just in time to celebrate and tribute with it the 50th anniversary of Star Trek this year as well as the 30th anniversary of "Star Trek IV - The Voyage Home" where the BoP is (at least for me) the big star on screen... aside with George and Gracie.

Special thanks to Mark Kelso and Marshal Banana for helping me out with the photo-edits and especially helping me to achieve my goal: getting the BoP online before end of the year!"

More picutres below:
